PT Buddy is a fitness company, founded by Luke Perrin, built and run by a team of fitness and technical experts, all working to make a difference to gym members.

Our focus is on improving the experience and results of every member by working with gyms to improve on their current fitness offerings, providing members with the tools and added expertise they may be missing.

PT Buddy

Launching Soon for Gyms

Luke Perrin, Founder

How PT Buddy Started

PT Buddy, an app initially built to improve Luke’s own fitness business, has grown rapidly to include assessment techniques, training courses and workout builders amongst others.

Luke has built and taught his own framework of assessing and training individuals, taking it into professional sports, including football and golf amongst his 20+ years in the fitness industry, which includes…

Over 20,000
PT Sessions

Developed & Taught Assessment Technique

Developed & Taught PT Lead System

20+ years in Sports & Fitness

He has since taught his process to other trainers to improve their business.

Before launching to gyms, we wanted to prove our services, and our app was needed by members. So, we worked with members and gym managers from four gyms to find what they were missing from their gym, and how we can help them specifically. The findings were interesting…

Testing With Gyms

We worked with four test gyms over an eight-week period to get feedback from the gym managers, their trainers and their members to discover what they needed most, and if what we provided improved their issues.

Two gyms had a fitness app, while two didn’t. Two gyms had trainers to work with members and the other two didn’t.

We found several repeatable issues members thought were negatively impacting on their gym experience/results, and similar issues the gym managers wanted to fix…

Manager Issues

  • Member retention/attracting new members.

  • Couldn’t manage the members workouts.

  • Couldn’t offer gym inductions.

  • Building a gym community.

  • Managing gym staff/staff turnover.

  • Competition from another gym.

  • Finding ways to increase revenue.

Member Issues

  • Not seeing results in the gym and didn’t know what to change.

  • Limited/No gym workouts provided.

  • Poor customer service.

  • Limited/No contact between members and trainers/gym.

  • No gym buddy or accountability.

  • Feeling disengaged/unmotivated.

  • Uncomfortable with equipment.

Our FIndings

Based on this feedback, and using our own expertise, we offered the following to their members depending on if they needed app features or to offer more variety to members training…

  • Worked with the gym trainers to conduct posture assessments on members.

  • Provided control phase form exercises into their programs to help with the findings.

  • Gave members bespoke goal orientated programs.

  • Gave them access to different features on the app to see what they found most useful.

The feedback received was amazing, with 100% of members who tested with us said we had improved their training, knowledge, enjoyment of the gym amongst others, with the gym managers agreeing to continue using our services.

How We Work with Gyms

After working with our test gyms and their members, we found the following two ways are the best we can help members get the most out of their membership…

The two programs are not exclusive, and options can be added or removed based on yours and your members needs.

We’ll teach your trainers how to perform assessments to offer it to your members as an additional service. Your trainers can then:

  • Offer a service to your members most gyms can’t provide.

  • Help members in pain understand their issues.

  • Provide a solution via our Form Control Exercise Program.

  • Get continued support and training from us.

  • Follow along Posture Assessment Tool in our app to conduct assessments easier.

Posture Assessment Course & In-App Assessments

Posture assessments are also used as a great lead magnet for your clubs personal trainers.

We provide the software and can optionally support your members to increase their engagement with the gym and limit extra work for your trainers. Your members can then:

  • Get regularly updated workouts in their app, provided by our team or your own trainers.

  • Get an online induction in-app.

  • Receive communication from the gym in-app.

  • Help understand how to reach their goals through PT Buddy Academy.

  • Continued support from us – programme/goal related.

In-App Workouts & Engagement Features

Our app is a great way to increase engagement, results, and retention of your members.

We want to support your members on their fitness journey, with features and services you may not be currently offering. You can contact us at anytime for a quick chat about how we can help you, without taking on features or services you don’t need.

Member Profiles

Provide all your members with access to the PT Buddy App to help provide ongoing engagement and feeling of progression

  • Track your members app usage and training progress.

  • Communicate with your members via a message board.

  • Communicate with us direct from the app.

Workout Builder

Build detailed workouts for your members with our easy-to-use workout builder.

  • Build from scratch or via our pre-built workouts.

  • Over 600+ exercises included.

  • Need an exercise not already in the app? Simply add your own.

  • Use the detailed overview or follow along view for beginners.

  • Access warm-up, cool downs and flexibility programs.

  • Includes fitness challenges to keep training varied.

PT Buddy Academy

Provide your gym members with access to PT Buddy Academy, which is our video education series, helping to guide them in the right direction with their training. Our video guides include:

  • Training for Fat loss.

  • Training for Muscle building.

  • Training for Toning.

  • Our 7-step training principles for success.

  • Form exercise guide.

Revenue Builder

Increase gym revenue by offering our additional features and services to your members, which include:

  • Members can work with one of our online personal trainers.

  • 12-week program structures.

  • Nutritional support video series.

  • In-app member referrals.

  • Member leavers app fee.

Posture Assessment Course & App

Offer your members an additional advanced service with a posture assessment, taught to your trainers by Luke via in-person or distance learning.

  • Find specific areas your members need to work on.

  • Trainers can access and use our posture assessment tool built into the app.

  • Provide members with a detailed report of the findings.

  • Continued support and learning from us for 12 months.

  • It can be used as a fantastic lead magnet for personal trainers.

  • A great addition to improve trainer motivation and retention.

  • All advertising material included.